Blue Lipstick: Concrete Poems
First there was the uproariously kinetic book, Technically It's Not My Fault: Concrete Poems narrated by Robert, who, in 28 concrete or shape poems, spends a fair amount of time complaining about his annoying big sister, Jessie. Now it's Jessie's turn to snipe. She's in ninth grade, so she has lots more to agonize over: bad hair days, pep rallies, liking Elton Simpson, and, of course, her jerky little brother, Robert. Emotions erupt in her collection of 33 concrete poems, beginning with the title poem which is written around the perimeter of the front cover. They meander and cascade across each page in a swirl of assorted blue and black fonts. There's "A Chart of My Emotional Day," which she diagrams for a math assignment; "Volleyball Practice," with sentences that bounce back and forth on the page; and “My Absolutely Bad Cranky Day," a simply glorious alphabet and timeline combined. Have fun singing “The H-U-P Song,” where Jessie and her little cousin Natalie rewrite “The Alphabet Song.” You’ll never recite the ABC’s in quite the same way. How John Grandits, a man, has gotten under the skin of a ninth grader with such resonance, honesty, and humor, I can't fathom, but if you were ever a ninth grade girl, you'll marvel. And if you weren't, you'll learn a lot.
Reviewed by : JF.
- This irreverent, witty collection should resonate with a wide audience.
Marilyn Taniguchi Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information. – School Library Journal
Grandits, John. Technically, It’s Not My Fault: Concrete Poems. Clarion, 2004. ISBN-13: 978-0618503612
Janeczko, Paul B. A Kick in the Head: An Everyday Guide to Poetic Forms. Candlewick, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0763606626
Janeczko, Paul B. A Poke in the I: A Collection of Concrete Poems. Candlewick, 2001. ISBN-13: 978-0763623760
Kinney, Jeff. Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Amulet, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-0810993136
Kinney, Jeff. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules. Amulet, 2008. ISBN-13: 978-0810994737
Lewis, J. Patrick. Doodle Dandies: Poems that Take Shape. Atheneum, 1998. ISBN-13: 978-0689848896
Stevenson, James. Popcorn. Greenwillow, 1998. (And others in the Corn series.) ISBN-13: 978-0688152611